General Frederick Howard (Fred)
United States of America
Newton Centre, Massachusetts, Scotland
Miami Beach,FL, United States of America


From: Frederick H. Hovey (1976) - Hall of Fame - Brown University Athletics (

Frederick H. Hovey, Class of ’90, was a three-time national tennis champion and was considered the finest player the country had produced up to that time. He won the U.S. doubles championship in both 1893 and 1894, teaming with Clarence Hobart, and then he captured the U.S. singles in 1895.

Harper’s Weekly on September 7, 1895, said: “In his present form, the new national tennis champion is undoubtedly the best player this country has ever had. Not because his strokes are more brilliant than those of Larned, nor that his volleying out-does Campbell, nor yet because his generalship is better than Wrenn’s, although he is not outclassed in any of these respects; but because his all-around game has been brought to a degree of excellence never attained by another American player, the result of unsurpassed natural ability, mellowed by age and rounded by experience.”

In addition to his three national titles in tennis, Fred Hovey in 1891 won the Intercollegiate Singles and teamed with Robert D. Wrenn of Harvard to take the Doubles. A sixth national title came in 1902 when the native of Newton Centre Massachusetts, won the first open U.S. Ping Pong championship ever held.

Hovey was the starting fullback on the football team his freshman and senior seasons, won the singles and doubles in the fall tennis tournament all four years, and played second base on the 17-5-1 ball club of 1890. He set Brown records in both the pole vault (9-4) and broad jump (18-7) and took a second in the pole vault in the New Englands.

Hovey earned his Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) from Harvard in 1893 and subsequently became a member of the Boston and New York Stock Exchange. For many years he was one of the nation’s prominent tennis officials. Fred Hovey died at Miami Beach on October 20, 1945 at age 77.


Archive statistics 1886 - 1904

Tournament wins 1895 - US Open (Grandslam)
1895 - Newton T.C. Invitation amateur Indoor Tournament (Amateur)
1895 - Massachusetts State Championships (Amateur)
1894 - Essex County (Open)
1894 - Massachusetts State Championships (Amateur)
1894 - West Newton (Amateur)
1893 - Longwood Bowl (Amateur)
1893 - West Newton (Amateur)
1892 - Auburndale (Amateur)
1892 - Wentworth Invitation (Amateur)
1892 - Canadian International Championships ()
1892 - Longwood Bowl (Amateur)
1892 - West Newton (Amateur)
1891 - New York State Championships (Open)
1891 - Intercollegiate Championships (Amateur)
1891 - Wentworth Invitation (Amateur)
1891 - Auburndale (Amateur)
1890 - Auburndale (Amateur)
1890 - Intercollegiate Championships (Amateur)
1890 - US Open Consolation (Open)

Tournaments Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Championship - 1904 Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Championship - 1901 Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Championship - 1900 Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Championship - 1899 Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Championship - 1898 US Open - 1896 Longwood Bowl - 1896 Newton T.C. Invitation amateur Indoor Tournament - 1896 US Open - 1895 Longwood Bowl - 1895 Massachusetts State Championships - 1895 West Newton - 1895 Newton T.C. Invitation amateur Indoor Tournament - 1895 US Open - 1894 Longwood Bowl - 1894 Massachusetts State Championships - 1894 New York State Championships - 1894 Essex County - 1894 West Newton - 1894 US Open - 1893 Canadian International Championships - 1893 Longwood Bowl - 1893 New York State Championships - 1893 West Newton - 1893 Tuxedo Tournament - 1893 US Open - 1892 Canadian International Championships - 1892 Longwood Bowl - 1892 Nahant Invitation Tournament - 1892 New York State Championships - 1892 Wentworth Invitation - 1892 West Newton - 1892 Auburndale - 1892 US Open - 1891 Longwood Bowl - 1891 Nahant Invitation Tournament - 1891 New York State Championships - 1891 Wentworth Invitation - 1891 Intercollegiate Championships - 1891 US Open - 1890 New Jersey State Championships - 1890 Nahant Invitation Tournament - 1890 Wentworth Invitation - 1890 Intercollegiate Championships - 1890 US Open Consolation - 1890 Intercollegiate Championships - 1889 Wentworth Invitation - 1888 Intercollegiate Championships - 1888 Wellesley - 1888 Intercollegiate Championships - 1886

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