General Arthur Lyman
United States of America
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America
Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America


From the internet: A graduate of M.I.T., he was appointed by the Board of Directors in 1910 as the first principal of Wentworth Institute and overseer of the original campus construction. He served until 1923. He has been called ?the father of technical institutes in this country.?

?Williston began his professional career in 1890 with the Union Pacific Railroad. He then served on the M.I.T. and Ohio State University faculties, was a member of the commission to establish the Carnegie Technical Schools in Pittsburgh, and was head of the Pratt Institute?s School of Science and Technology for twelve years.

?He was a United States delegate to the World Federation of Education at Scotland in 1925 and a member of the World Conference on Adult Education at Copenhagen the following year. He is the author of ?Beyond the Horizon of Science?.

?Throughout his life, Williston remained devoted to students seeking a non-collegiate institutional education. In 1952, he was the recipient of the James H. McGraw Award for outstanding contributions to technical education. After his death his will established a trust administered by the Boston Foundation, from which Wentworth has received funds in support of its educational programs.?


Archive statistics 1888 - 1909

Tournaments Long Island Championships - 1909 Northumberland Championships - 1906 Suffolk Championships - 1906 Essex Championships - 1906 Buxton - 1906 US International Indoor Championships - 1900 Maine State Championships - 1900 Longwood Bowl - 1898 Maine State Championships - 1898 Longwood Bowl - 1897 Maine State Championships - 1897 Longwood Bowl - 1896 US Open - 1895 New Hampshire Championships - 1895 US Open - 1894 Longwood Bowl - 1892 US Open - 1889 Narragansett - 1889 US Open - 1888 Wentworth Invitation - 1888 Wellesley - 1888

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