General Dr Charles Henry
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada


From Saskatchewan and Its People (1924), by John Hawkes:

Dr Charles Henry Weicker has practiced dentistry in Regina since 1912 and he has built up an extensive and important patronage. He was born near Preston, Ontario, in 1889, a son of Fred and Barbara (Zimmerman) Weicker, likewise natives of Ontario. Mr Weicker is living in New Hamburg, Ontario, but his wife has passed away. Mr Weicker is a consistent member of the Mennonite church and is readily conceded to be a representative citizen of the community in which he resides.

To Mr and Mrs Weicker five sons were born: Aylmer, who is in the insurance business in Winnipeg; Willis, living in New Hamburg, Ontario; Charles Henry, of this review; Percy, engaged in farming in the province of Ontario; and Morris, also farming in Ontario.

The public schools of New Hamburg afforded Charles Henry Weicker his early education and in due time he was graduated from the Tavistock high school. He received the D.D.S. degree from Toronto University in 1910 and for the first two years worked in an office in Kingston. He came to Regina in 1912 and has since practiced here, and he ranks high among the foremost members of his profession in the city and province.

In 1912 Dr Weicker was married to Miss Elsie Taylor, who was born near Collingwood, Ontario, and to them two children have been born: Charles Merle and Donald Samuel. Dr and Mrs Weicker are members of the Methodist Church. Fraternally Dr Weicker is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he is president of the Regina Tennis Club, of which he was secretary last year.

The Doctor has always been fond of athletics and when a student at the university was a member of the ‘varsity football team, of which he was captain during his senior year and won the championship of Ontario. Dr Weicker is a man of genial and pleasing personality and has many friends in this city, both in and out of his profession.


Archive statistics 1917 - 1927

Tournament wins 1925 - Saskatchewan Championships (Amateur)
1924 - Saskatchewan Championships (Amateur)
1923 - Saskatchewan Championships (Amateur)

Tournaments Canadian International Championships - 1927 Saskatchewan Championships - 1926 Saskatchewan Championships - 1925 Saskatchewan Championships - 1924 Saskatchewan Championships - 1923 Saskatchewan Championships - 1922 Saskatchewan Championships - 1917

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