General Francesco
Milan, Italy



Archive statistics 1934 - 1952

Tournament wins 1951 - Italian National Professionals (Amateur)
1949 - Portuguese Pro Championships (Professional)
1946 - Barcelona International Christmas (Amateur)
1946 - Portuguese International Championships (Open)
1946 - Estoril (Amateur)
1946 - San Sebastian (Amateur)
1946 - Santander (Amateur)
1946 - Vigo (Open)
1944 - Barcelona International Christmas (Amateur)
1944 - Portuguese International Championships (Open)
1942 - Italian National Championships (Open)
1941 - Slovakian International Championships (Amateur)
1941 - Livorno (Amateur)
1940 - Varese (Amateur)
1940 - Alassio (Amateur)
1940 - Barcelona International (Amateur)
1939 - Swiss International Championships (Amateur)
1938 - R.C. Canottieri Roma (Amateur)

Tournaments Cortina D'Ampezzo - 1952 Slazenger Professional - 1952 Italian National Professionals - 1952 Wembley Professional Championships - 1951 Slazenger Professional - 1951 Italian National Professionals - 1951 World Professional Indoors - 1949 Portuguese Pro Championships - 1949 South America Pros - 1948 US Pro Indoors - 1947 Lisboa New Years Tournament - 1947 Estoril - 1946 Portuguese International Championships - 1946 San Agaro International - 1946 Vigo - 1946 San Sebastian - 1946 Santander - 1946 Bilbao International - 1946 Barcelona International Christmas - 1946 Portuguese International Championships - 1944 Barcelona International Christmas - 1944 Italian National Championships - 1942 Italy vs. Switzerland - 1942 Genoa - 1942 Torino (Turin) - 1942 Napoli - 1941 Varese - 1941 Barcelona International Christmas - 1941 Livorno - 1941 Slovakian International Championships - 1941 Italian International Championships - 1940 Barcelona International - 1940 Championships of Merano - 1940 San Remo - 1940 Alassio - 1940 Hungarian International Championships - 1940 Italian National Championships - 1940 Varese - 1940 Milano International - 1940 Godolloe - 1940 Swiss International Championships - 1939 Italian National Championships - 1939 Italy vs. Sweden exhibiion - 1939 R.C. Canottieri Roma - 1938 German International Championships - 1937 Championships of Berlin - 1937 Czechoslovakian International Championships - 1937 Alassio - 1937 Napoli - 1937 Blau-Weiss Club - 1937 R.C. Canottieri Roma - 1937 Elbe Valley Championships - 1937 Capri - 1936 Bordighera - 1936 Genoa - 1936 Rapallo - 1936 Mayes Cup - 1936 Championships of Merano - 1934

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