General John Charles Shuttleworth
Derby, Derbyshire, England
The Old Manor, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England



Archive statistics 1906 - 1926

Tournament wins 1923 - Bristol Cup (Professional)
1922 - Cannes Pro Championships (Professional)
1922 - Bristol Cup (Professional)
1921 - Bristol Cup (Professional)
1920 - Simla (Amateur)
1919 - Marryatt Cup (Amateur)
1919 - Western India Championships (Amateur)
1914 - Simla (Amateur)
1911 - Punjab Championships (Amateur)
1909 - Punjab Championships (Amateur)
1906 - Western India Championships (Amateur)

Tournaments Bristol Cup - 1926 Bristol Cup - 1924 Bristol Cup - 1923 Cannes Pro Championships - 1922 Bristol Cup - 1922 Monte Carlo - 1921 Cannes Carlton - 1921 Riviera Championships - 1921 Bristol Cup - 1921 New Delhi - 1920 Simla - 1920 Western India Championships - 1919 Marryatt Cup - 1919 Simla - 1914 Punjab Championships - 1913 Wimbledon - 1912 Queens Club Tournament - 1912 All India Championships - 1911 Punjab Championships - 1911 Berkshire Championships - 1910 South of England Championships - 1909 Launceston - 1909 Carlisle - 1909 Punjab Championships - 1909 Punjab Championships - 1908 Wimbledon - 1907 Surrey Championships - 1907 Hampshire Championships - 1907 South of England Championships - 1907 British Covered Court Championships - 1907 Northern Lawn Tennis Association Tournament - 1907 Chichester - 1907 West Herts Championships - 1907 Middlesex Championships - 1907 Warwickshire Championships - 1907 Epsom - 1907 Berkshire Championships - 1907 Shanklin - 1907 Western India Championships - 1906

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