General Torsten
Karlsborg, Sweden
Malmö, Sweden



Archive statistics 1940 - 1971

Tournament wins 1964 - Hamburg Whitsun (Amateur)
1956 - German International Covered Court Championships ()
1955 - Wolfsburg (Amateur)
1953 - Barcelona International Christmas (Amateur)
1952 - Swedish National Championships (Open)
1952 - Swedish National Covered Courts Championships (Amateur)
1951 - Scandinavian Championships (Open)
1951 - Swedish National Covered Courts Championships (Amateur)
1951 - Düsseldorf International ()
1951 - Harpenden (Amateur)
1950 - Helsinki Covered Courts (Amateur)
1950 - Copenhagen Indoor (Amateur)
1949 - Swedish National Championships (Open)
1949 - Copenhagen Indoor (Amateur)
1949 - Copenhagen Indoor Invitation (Amateur)
1948 - Western India Championships (Amateur)
1947 - Bastad (Open)
1944 - Swedish National Covered Courts Championships (Amateur)
1944 - Swedish National Championships (Open)
1944 - Bastad (Open)
1943 - Swedish National Covered Courts Championships (Amateur)

Tournaments Miami - 1971 Fort Lauderdale - 1971 Scandinavian Championships - 1970 Pacific Southwest - Qualifying - 1970 Pacific Coast Championship - Qualifying - 1970 Scandinavian Championships - 1968 Swedish National Championships - 1967 Scandinavian Championships - 1967 Roland Garros - 1966 Scandinavian Championships - 1966 Monte Carlo Class A - 1966 Hamburg Whitsun - 1964 Wolfsburg - 1964 German International Covered Court Championships - 1963 Scandinavian Championships - 1963 Pacific Coast Championship - 1962 German International Covered Court Championships - 1962 Pacific Southwest Championships - 1962 Danish International Championhips - 1962 Wiesbaden Championships - 1962 Bastad - 1962 German International Covered Court Championships - 1961 Baden-Baden - 1961 Scandinavian Championships - 1961 Copenhagen Indoor - 1961 Wolfsburg - 1961 Championships of Freiburg - 1961 Freudenstadt - 1961 German International Covered Court Championships - 1960 Swedish National Championships - 1960 Scandinavian Championships - 1960 Bastad - 1960 Finland National Indoors - 1960 Wolfsburg - 1960 Roland Garros - 1959 French International Covered Court Championships - 1959 German International Covered Court Championships - 1959 Swedish National Championships - 1959 Bastad - 1959 French International Covered Court Championships - 1958 German International Covered Court Championships - 1958 Bastad - 1958 Wolfsburg - 1958 German International Covered Court Championships - 1957 Scandinavian Championships - 1957 Bastad - 1957 King's Cup - Semi-Final b - 1957 Wolfsburg - 1957 Sweden vs. Poland International Match - 1957 Roland Garros - 1956 Lyon Covered Court Championships - 1956 French International Covered Court Championships - 1956 Italian International Championships - 1956 German International Covered Court Championships - 1956 International Championships of Egypt - Cairo - 1956 International Championships of Egypt-Alexandria - 1956 South African Championships - 1956 Belgian International Championships - 1956 Swedish National Championships - 1956 Scandinavian Championships - 1956 Coupe Pierre Gillou - 1956 Nations' Cup (Egypt) - 1956 Bastad - 1956 Florence International - 1956 Cannes Gallia Winter Tournament - 1956 Wimbledon - 1955 Swedish National Championships - 1955 Scandinavian Championships - 1955 Köln International - 1955 Bastad - 1955 Coupe Albert Canet - 1955 Wolfsburg - 1955 H.I.K. Tournament b - 1955 Conde de Godo - 1954 Swedish National Championships - 1954 King's Cup - Final - 1954 Sweden vs. Denmark - 1954 Bastad - 1954 H.I.K. International - 1954 King's Cup Handicap - 1954 King's Cup - First Round b - 1954 King's Cup - Semi-Final a - 1954 Wimbledon - 1953 Roland Garros - 1953 Swedish National Championships - 1953 King's Cup - Final - 1953 Scandinavian Championships - 1953 Italy vs. Sweden exhibiion - 1953 Sweden vs. Spain International Clubs - 1953 Barcelona International Christmas - 1953 Wimbledon - 1952 Swedish National Championships - 1952 Scandinavian Championships - 1952 Bastad - 1952 Wimbledon - 1951 Roland Garros - 1951 Victorian Championships - 1951 New South Wales Championships - 1951 Queens Club Tournament - 1951 German International Championships - 1951 Swedish National Championships - 1951 Danish Covered Courts - 1951 Scandinavian Championships - 1951 Düsseldorf International - 1951 Sweden vs. Denmark - 1951 Bastad - 1951 Dortmund International - 1951 Saltsjoebaden - 1951 Blau-Weiss Club - 1951 Swedish National Covered Courts Championships - 1951 Harpenden - 1951 Wimbledon - 1950 Monte Carlo - 1950 US Open - 1950 Nice - 1950 French International Covered Court Championships - 1950 Italian International Championships - 1950 International Championships of Egypt - Cairo - 1950 International Championships of Egypt-Alexandria - 1950 San Remo - 1950 Scandinavian Championships - 1950 Bastad - 1950 Copenhagen Indoor - 1950 King's Cup Handicap - 1950 Helsinki Covered Courts - 1950 Malmö - 1950 Wimbledon - 1949 Roland Garros - 1949 Swedish International Covered Courts Championships - 1949 Swedish National Championships - 1949 Wimbledon Plate (Consolation) - 1949 Scandinavian Championships - 1949 Bastad - 1949 Copenhagen Indoor - 1949 Antwerpen International - 1949 Copenhagen Indoor Invitation - 1949 Paris International Championships - 1948 Western India Championships - 1948 Southern India Championships - 1948 Swedish National Championships - 1948 Bastad - 1948 Indian International Championships - 1948 Swedish National Covered Courts Championships - 1948 Wimbledon - 1947 Monte Carlo - 1947 US Open - 1947 Cannes Carlton - 1947 Nice - 1947 Queens Club Tournament - 1947 French International Covered Court Championships - 1947 Netherlands International Championships - 1947 Argentina International Championships - 1947 Kent Championships - 1947 West of England Championships - 1947 Czechoslovakian International Championships - 1947 San Remo - 1947 Beaulieu Second Meeting - 1947 Swedish International Covered Courts Championships - 1947 Northern Lawn Tennis Association Tournament - 1947 Pan American Championships - 1947 Bastad - 1947 Wimbledon - 1946 Queens Club Tournament - 1946 Pacific Southwest Championships - 1946 Swedish International Covered Courts Championships - 1946 U.S. vs. Sweden Exhibition - 1946 Bastad - 1946 Swedish National Covered Courts Championships - 1946 Bastad - 1943 Swedish National Covered Courts Championships - 1942 Danish Covered Courts - 1941 Danish Covered Courts - 1940

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