General Wylie Cameron
United States of America
, United States of America
Ontario, Canada



Archive statistics 1894 - 1919

Tournament wins 1912 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1908 - Leicestershire Championships (Amateur)
1908 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1906 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1906 - Chichester (Open)
1904 - Netherlands International Championships (Open)
1904 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1904 - North of Scotland Championships (Amateur)
1904 - Den Haag (Amateur)
1903 - North of Scotland Championships (Amateur)
1903 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1902 - North of Scotland Championships (Amateur)
1900 - New York Athletic Club Amateur Championships (Amateur)

Tournaments Amackassin Club Invitation - 1919 Old Dominion Championship - 1914 US International Indoor Championships - 1912 Old Dominion Championship - 1911 Irish Championships - 1910 Shropshire Championships - 1910 Midland Counties Championships - 1910 South of England Championships - 1910 Warwickshire Championships - 1910 Hythe - 1910 US Open - 1909 New England Championships - 1909 Old Dominion Championship - 1909 US International Indoor Championships - 1909 New York Metropolitan Championships - 1909 Harlem Tennis Club Invitation - 1909 Bronx County Championships - 1909 New York Lawn Tennis Club Amateur Tournament - 1909 Wimbledon - 1908 Irish Championships - 1908 US International Indoor Championships - 1908 Mid-Kent Championships - 1908 Shropshire Championships - 1908 Championships of Wales - 1908 Midland Counties Championships - 1908 Warwickshire Championships - 1908 Leicestershire Championships - 1908 Chevy Chase Club - 1908 US Open - 1907 Longwood Bowl - 1907 Middle States Championships - 1907 New England Championships - 1907 Southern Championships - 1907 US International Indoor Championships - 1907 New Jersey State Championships - 1907 New York Lawn Tennis Club Amateur Tournament - 1907 US International Indoor Championships - 1906 Sussex Championships - 1906 Scottish Championships - 1906 South of England Championships - 1906 London Covered Court Championships - 1906 Welsh Covered Court Championships - 1906 Chichester - 1906 New York Metropolitan Championships - 1906 East of Ireland Championships - 1906 US Open - 1905 US International Indoor Championships - 1905 North of Scotland Championships - 1905 Niagara International Tournament - 1905 Netherlands International Championships - 1904 US International Indoor Championships - 1904 Le Touquet - 1904 Sussex Championships - 1904 Scottish Championships - 1904 Homburg Cup - 1904 South of England Championships - 1904 North of Scotland Championships - 1904 Den Haag - 1904 Netherlands International Championships - 1903 US International Indoor Championships - 1903 Sussex Championships - 1903 Scottish Championships - 1903 European Championship - 1903 Homburg Cup - 1903 South of England Championships - 1903 North of Scotland Championships - 1903 Homburg International Championship - 1903 Welsh Covered Court Championships - 1903 Southern Championships - 1902 US International Indoor Championships - 1902 New Jersey State Championships - 1902 Sussex Championships - 1902 Scottish Championships - 1902 Northumberland Championships - 1902 South of England Championships - 1902 North of Scotland Championships - 1902 Kings County Championships - 1902 US International Indoor Championships - 1901 Sussex Championships - 1901 Scottish Championships - 1901 South of England Championships - 1901 North of Scotland Championships - 1901 Scottish Highland Championships - 1901 New York Lawn Tennis Club Amateur Tournament - 1901 Kings County Championships - 1901 Olympics, Olympic Games - 1900 Southern Championships - 1900 US International Indoor Championships - 1900 German International Championships - 1900 Sussex Championships - 1900 European Championship - 1900 Homburg Cup - 1900 Oostende - 1900 New York Metropolitan Championships - 1900 Lenox Tournament - 1900 Wentworth Invitation - 1900 Intercollegiate Championships - 1900 New York Athletic Club Amateur Championships - 1900 US Open - 1899 Canadian International Championships - 1899 Longwood Bowl - 1899 Southern Championships - 1899 New York State Championships - 1899 Lenox Tournament - 1899 Wentworth Invitation - 1899 US Open Consolation - 1899 Wimbledon - 1898 US Open - 1898 Southern Championships - 1898 Wimbledon Plate (Consolation) - 1898 US Open - 1896 Longwood Bowl - 1896 Niagara International Tournament - 1896 Wentworth Invitation - 1896 West Side Lawn Tennis Club - 1896 Toronto City Championships - 1896 US Open - 1894

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