General Dr. Bill
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Dr.Bill Fuchs lived in Zürich since he left Germany in the spring of 1933.He must have lost his german citizenship in the following years and acquired the portuguese passport.


Archive statistics 1923 - 1939

Tournament wins 1934 - Zürich Championships (Amateur)
1933 - Zürich Championships (Amateur)
1933 - Zürich Valsana (Amateur)
1923 - Championships of Thüringen (Amateur)

Tournaments Swiss International Championships - 1939 Winterthur - 1939 Zürich Valsana - 1936 Zürich Championships - 1935 Zürich Championships - 1934 Zürich Valsana - 1934 Lugano - 1933 Championships of Strasbourg - 1933 Baden-Baden - 1933 Zürich Championships - 1933 Lugano Lido Tournament - 1933 Zürich Valsana - 1933 German International Championships - 1932 Homburg Cup - 1932 Baden-Baden - 1932 Wiesbaden Championships - 1932 Championships of Stuttgart - 1932 Championships of Mannheim - 1932 Tübingen General Tournament - 1932 Homburg Cup - 1931 Baden-Baden - 1931 Wiesbaden Championships - 1931 Villa d'Este - 1931 Championships of Stuttgart - 1931 Heilbronn - 1931 Karlsruhe - 1931 Feldberg - 1931 Homburg Cup - 1930 Baden-Baden - 1930 Stuttgart Covered Court Tournament - 1930 German International Championships - 1929 Villa d'Este - 1929 International Championshps of the Ruhr-Area - 1929 Championships of Berlin - 1927 Championships of Berlin - 1926 German National Championships - 1926 Championships of Frankfurt am Main - 1926 Berliner Hockeyclub (BEC) - 1926 Karlsruhe - 1926 Championships of Berlin - 1925 Homburg Cup - 1925 Championships of Hamburg - 1925 Championships of Saxony - 1925 Hindenburg and Black Forest Cup - 1925 Baden-Baden - 1924 Championships of Frankfurt am Main - 1924 Championships of Mannheim - 1924 Hilversum - 1924 Karlsruhe - 1924 Hindenburg and Black Forest Cup - 1924 Championships of the Pfalz (Palatinate) - 1924 Berlin Autumn Tournament - 1924 Blau-Weiss Club - 1923 Championships of Thüringen - 1923

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