General Frederick Wallis
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England


From the Western Daily Press, 18 April 1916:

Obituary – Death of Mr Frederick W. Stoddart

Mr Frederick Wallis Stoddart, consulting analyst, who passed away on Saturday, after a short illness, at his residence, Grafton Lodge, Sneyd Park, at the age of 57, was the eldest surviving son of Mr William W. Stoddart, a chemist, of North Street, Stokes Croft, who was the first city analyst. Mr F. Wallis Stoddart first took to surgery, but on his father’s death succeeded him in the office named. When the City Council decided to appoint an analyst who would devote the whole of his time to the duties, Mr Stoddart resigned, and Mr Edward Russell received the appointment.

Mr Stoddart will be remembered as the inventor of a patent method of dealing with sewage bacteriologically, which has been adopted by over seven hundred corporate and other bodies in all parts of the world. It was first adopted at Horfleld, but the sewage works were abandoned when the boundaries were extended. The rights were transferred to Mr Charles Walker, of Denmark Street, a few years ago.

Mr Stoddart always took an interest in sport. He was a tennis player, a golfer, an angler and a sportsman, and had a large circle of friends.


Archive statistics 1888 - 1891

Tournaments West of England Championships - 1891 West of England Championships - 1890 Nottingham - 1890 Leamington - 1890 Torquay - 1890 Championships of Wales - 1889 Exmouth - 1889 Exmouth - 1888

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