General Dr Ernest Wilson
Dublin, Ireland
Westminster, London, England


Dr Ernest Wilson Stoker was the brother of fellow lawn tennis player Dr Frank Stoker.

From The British Medical Journal, 9 January 1915:

Obituary – Dr Ernest W. Stoker

Dr Ernest Wilson Stoker, who belonged to the well-known Irish family which has produced so many members of the medical profession, died on December 24th, 1914. His father and grandfather were doctors, and three of his four brothers follow the same calling. He received his medical education at the school of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He took the diplomas of Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians (L.R.C.P.) in 1888 and that of Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (F.R.S.C.I.) in 1901. He also went through courses at Berlin and Vienna under Billroth and Politzer, and when a young man travelled extensively in various parts of the world.

After practising for four years in Berkshire, he went to London, and held the post of house surgeon at the Mount Vernon Hospital. Seventeen years ago he became assistant surgeon to Saint Paul’s Hospital for Skin Diseases. Later he took the house of his cousin, Dr George Stoker, in Hertford Street, Mayfair. Dr Ernest Stoker loved his profession and refused, notwithstanding failing health from diabetes, to take a long rest, and died in harness, as he always wished to do, after a few hours’ illness from pneumonia.

He had a most interesting personality, with great charm of manner and unfailing kindness and courtesy. He was loved by all his friends and patients for whom he would grudge no time or trouble. He was a good sportsman and a splendid specimen of an athlete, playing rugby for Ireland in 1888, 1889 and 1890, besides being a fine lawn tennis player and a keen shot.


Archive statistics 1887 - 1887

Tournaments County Dublin Championships - 1887

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