General Philip Thomas
Sutton Valence, Kent, England
, France


From The Times, 19 March 1973:

P.V.P. writes:

Philip Oyler, who died recently in France at the age of 93, had a quiet but enduring influence on readers who love France and are sensitive to the good things of life. He was a founder member of the Soil Association and his respect for and love of things that grow made him a craftsman of many skills; he designed houses and furniture, investigated the historical as well as the practical aspects of keeping animals and making food and drinks.

When on leave after working at the rehabilitation of properties in-the north of France after the 1914-18 War, he explored the Dordogne Valley, where he found. not only an enchanting countryside. but traces of the English “occupation” during the three centuries when this region belonged to the English Crown. The Generous Earth, first published in 1950, drew many percipient travellers to this part of France. Sons of the Generous. Earth (1963) described his experiences in other regions.

The wisdom of the countryman, the enlightened mind of the scholar, the rewarding company of a humane and charming personality are revealed in these books and many who now know France and who write about gastronomy will have been first tempted to do so by the work of this happy man.


Archive statistics 1898 - 1910

Tournaments Lugano - 1910 French Switzerland Championships - 1910 Chichester - 1906 Chichester - 1905 Worthing - 1905 Essex Championships - 1904 Hythe - 1903 Boulogne - 1902 Suffolk Championships - 1902 Essex Championships - 1902 Cinque Ports Championships - 1902 South of England Championships - 1901 Sussex Championships - 1900 Mid-Kent Championships - 1900 Suffolk Championships - 1899 Sussex Championships - 1898 Bishop Stortford - 1898

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