Although an East of England tournament was held in Filey, North Yorkshire, in the late 1880s/early 1890s, this tournament was only local in nature and never achieved the status of the tournament first held in Felixstowe in 1885. The Felixstowe tournament eventually became a compliment to the North of England Championships (usually held in Scarborough, Yorkshire), the South of England Championships (held in Eastbourne, Sussex) and the West of England Championships (originally held in Bath, but in later years held in Bristol).
The Felixstowe tournament was first called the East of England Championships circa 1889, an indication both of the increase in its status and its growing popularity among the top players. Located in the south-eastern county of Suffolk, Felixstowe has for many decades been a popular seaside resort and is one of many tournaments to have their origins in such a location, not just in the British Isles.
During the early decades of the tournament's existence, the East of England Championships tournament was usually held around mid-August. In later years it was usually held during the second or third week of July, just after Wimbledon. The East of England Championships survived the upheavals of two world wars and open tennis for fifteen years before it was discontinued in 1983.
